If you didn't see the announcement, Spencer Bogad has been named to the Front Office, replacing Andy Oldenburg who won't be able to attend in 2016 due to Mizzou softball commitments.
The front office is an entity that ultimately is responsible for the day to day operations and decisions of the league. One of the more important duties of the entity as a whole are in choosing the awards at the end of the season which needs a group of people that are at the weekend season in person and paying attention.
With the news of Andy not being able to attend in 2016, we had to fill the spot and Bogad was a great fit. We needed someone who was not only committed to the league but had to be someone in the National League to give us two players from each league evenly, then the Commissioner only voting in situations as a tiebreaker if needed. Out of all the available candidates in the National League, Spencer was an easy decision.
SWBL Player's Association President Gus Skibbe had this to say, "Spencer would be a great addition to the From Office. He cares a lot for the league."
Recently, Spencer has been very active in relations with new sponsor, Corner Pub as our correspondent with them. On the National scale, Spencer has attended the last two NWLA Tournaments and is continuing to help the SWBL get their name out there. Also, last season, Spencer stepped up with helping on the grounds crew every day for Season 13 (raking constantly, fixing the fence every time, helping clean up, helping with rain delays, etc).
The league is not sure on what the title of Spencer's position will be but one thing is for sure he is living out his dream of being a part of the SWBL Front Office. Congratulations Spencer on joining the SWBL Front Office, and we are excited to see what you can continue to bring to the table.